What We Do

We’ve developed these key services to provide you with the support you need to manage your finances. Not all of these will be relevant to your situation, so you can choose from this menu and we tailor our services for you and your business.

  Compliance and Setup

The first step is to make sure you are compliant and that your business and accounting processes are set up properly to manage your finances. This could include ensuring:

you have an ABN and you have registered your business name;

you are properly registered for GST and PAYG Withholding;

you have the right licence/s for your business;

you have set up bank accounts for the business, including separate accounts to save for your tax obligations;

you have properly set up your cloud accounting software;

your bookkeeping is up to date and your accounting software is clean and tidy;

you are up to date with your BAS / IAS lodgements and

you have lodged your Taxable Annual Payments Report (if applicable).

This will give you the proper foundation to build your business on.


The second step is to support you with your ongoing bookkeeping.

We work remotely to support you and your team, from giving support to your team with weekly, monthly or quarterly tasks to managing the whole process and everything in between.

As part of the set-up process, we will design your bookkeeping processes, including developing weekly and monthly checklists on what needs to be done. This will then be assigned to either your internal team or for us to manage for you.

Then we’ll oversee the process, so we have accurate and timely financial information for you to be able to make better decisions in your business.

This could include the following:

Data entry and data coding

Weekly, monthly or quarterly bank reconciliations

Supplier management, including setting suppliers up, entering invoices, statement reconciliations, generation of bank ready files for supplier payments and liaising with suppliers for problem resolution

Customer management, including setting customers up, raising & issuing invoices, recording & reconciliation of payments received, liaising with customers for problem resolution and credit control for better cash flow.


The third step is to support you with your payroll processing.

We work remotely to support you and your team, from giving support to your team when they need it to managing the whole payroll for you and everything in between. This could include the following:

Establishment and management of payroll records

Payroll processing, including emailing payslips to employees & STP reporting

Superannuation reporting and processing

Monthly or Quarterly wages and super reconciliation including IAS lodgements

End of Financial Year reporting including Income Statements finalised with STP

  Job Costing

The next step is one of the most important steps if you're a builder or tradies: job costing! It’s vital for your success that you know how much money you’ve made on each job.

Every job is quoted at the start and the price is agreed with the client. Job costing is about reviewing your actual costs on each job to see how much profit you actually make.

You can then compare this to your budget to see where things worked well and where you need to improve. This will help you get better at quoting and managing costs to help you improve your profits.

We support you with this process by:

helping you set up a job costing process for your business, including how you assign the costs to each job to make sure it’s accurate;

helping you set up a process for managing job costs on a weekly or fortnightly basis and

helping you set up a process for comparing the budget and actual costs for each job and each stage of a job.

  Profit Management

Next, it’s about managing your profit. Profit is the reason you’re in business, so it’s important you manage it closely.

For small business owners, we understand that projects can be one bad choice away from losing money, or delays that tie up much needed cash. That’s why it’s vital to manage your profit as closely as you can. We support you with this by:

calculating your fixed costs for running the business, your margins and your break-even so you understand how a job will affect your profit;

preparing a financial forecast for the business, including an income projection and budgets for your costs; and

preparing monthly or quarterly financial reporting, comparing your budget to your actual results to see how the business is tracking and where you need to make changes.

  Cash Management

The final part of the jigsaw is cash management. Cash is the life blood of your business. Without it, your business will die. As the saying goes, cash is king! That’s why it’s vital for you to manage your cash.

Here we will set up and implement a weekly cash flow forecast and cash management process. This will help you stay ahead on cash and plan for any specific events properly.